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How do I rewind a yoke to work with the kit?Jason Kopp made a great video outlining the process. It can be found here:
Will the kit work with B&W gamesIt could be made to work, but it would need to be powered outside of the standard wiring and the RGB lines would need to be tied together.
Will the kit work in non-Atari gamesNo, not directly as it is a drop in replacement for the Amplifone or WG6100 in Atari vector games.
What is the XY Vector Monitor Kit?The XY Vector Monitor Kit is a set of boards and harnesses that allow you to convert a standard raster CRT to a Vector Monitor. This kit is based on a mix between the Amplifone and Wells Gardner 6100 hardware used in Atari vector games. The kit includes: - Deflection board - High Voltage (HV) board - Neck board - Degauss board - Harnesses to connect all the boards together What is needed to build a vector monitor? - The kit - A 19" CRT (no multisync or flat CRTs) - A rewound yoke
How do I install the kit?installation instructions
Updating the RedZone BoardUpdate info here
Installing the RedZone boardinstallation
What is the RedZone Board?info here
Installing the WG6100 HV ReproInstallation instructions here
What is a USB-DVG?words here :)
Installing the USB-DVG Adapter boardinstruction here
What are the USB-DVG Adapter Boards?explanation here
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